IPv6 deployment
As is clear, the following step regarding Internet will be the deployment of the new IPv6 Internet protocol. Increasingly, more and more devices require an IP address. Under the current IPv4 protocol a simultaneous connection cannot be provided.
The new IPv6 protocol will not substitute the current IPv4 protocol overnight. The substitution will be undergone gradually and both of them will coexist along the following years, what is technically known as double stack.
Until when would both protocols coexist? Due to some experts, current university graduates will have retired and will still need the current IPv4 protocol. Yet, we have to be ready to face this new scenario and do it as soon as possible.
Some southeast Asian countries can only work with IPv6 or they should pay huge amounts of money in order to obtain IPv4.In the USA some mobile operators would only use the new IPv6 protocol.Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc. are already using both IPv4 and IPv6 at a time. .
One important detail to be taken into account: conceptually, IPv6 is easier to be learnt than IPv4. Yet, no conceptual extrapolation between them can be made.
More info about IPv6 deployment.